two students in classroom writing

The Sixth Form Pathways Programme

The Tettenhall College Sixth Form Pathways Programmes are aimed to guide you in your A Level selection depending on your future career aspirations.

The pathways will provide you with supplementary skills and experiences to enable you to be successful in your applications to university as well as in the competitive world of work.

Each pathway is designed to ensure that Sixth Form students wanting to progress on to a specific career path, are given opportunities to:

  • Enhance – their subject knowledge for their career pathway.
  • Experience – work within an industry related to their chosen career pathway.
  • Enrich – experiences within their chosen field, designed to support student development within that field, and ultimately on their path to their chosen career, whether that be by going on to study at a top tier university or a degree apprenticeship.

Each pathway will have its own co-ordinated programme to give students the support, direction and tailored industry specialist advice needed to be successful in their chosen field. The aim for each pathway is to ensure that each student is best prepared to go on to study or work in the field of their choice.

For further information about Tettenhall College Sixth Form, please contact our Admissions Team online, email – or call +44 1902 751119 

Medical Sciences

Atoms and science experiment tube
Medical Sciences

Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Join the Medical Society- affiliated with Medic Mentor

Work experience relating to the medical profession – NHS Work Experience support or Medic Mentor Virtual Work Experience

UCAT sessions with MedSoc

Take part in the Medical Leadership Programme

Enter the Medic Mentor Essay and Art competitions

Participate in the Biology & Chemistry Olympiads

Complete tasks from the TC Scholars’ Handbook

Example careers:


Veterinary Medicine




Biomedical Science






Recommended A Levels:

Chemistry, biology, maths, further maths and possibly physics.

It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ in addition to their A-levels and research an area of medical interest.

Social Sciences & Humanities

Law related equipment
Social Sciences & Humanities

Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Take part in the John Locke Essay competition

Mock trials at Wolverhampton Crown court

Attend the Royal Geographical Society Lectures

Take a role in the Model United Nations events

Participate in psychology seminars

Complete religious studies scholarship tasks

Participate in the Royal Economic Society Essay competition

Take part in the Durham University Economics Essay competition

Attend the history residential trip

Complete tasks from the TC Scholars’ Handbook

Example careers:


Political Science


Business Analysis


Social Work


Human Resources

Police & Criminology

Urban Planning




Recommended A Levels:

For most degrees there are no particular A Levels required (although some universities ask for an essay-based subject). The exceptions are as follows:

Law – history & English literature

Economics – maths & economics

Modern Languages

Globe showing European countries
Modern Languages

Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Attend language lectures and conferences

Participate in language day trips

Complete MFL scholarship tasks

Complete English scholarship tasks

Attend the Wolverhampton Literary Festival

Take part in language competitions

Study an online course in linguistics or your chosen language to enhance your learning

Complete tasks from the TC Scholars’ Handbook

Example careers:


Diplomatic service


International affairs




Academic researcher

International business

Intelligence analyst

Travel & Hospitality

Airline Industry

Recommended A Levels:

French or Spanish, English literature and possibly history as the third subject.

Creative & Performing Arts

Videographer with camera filming
Creative & Performing Arts

Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Attend the Wolverhampton Literary Festival

Interview a professional performer

Attend theatre visits & performances

Take part in the school production/musical or be part of the tech/backstage team

Take part in Film studies Extended day activity

The ISA Composition Competition for Sixth Form

Sit-in on orchestral work in the orchestra pit at the Grand Theatre

The Rotary Club Young Musician competition

The Dudley Festival of Music

Take part in the ISA Art competition

Attend Art lectures and workshops by local artists and Old Tettenhallians

Example careers:

Dance & Choreography

Acting & Directing

Music & Production

Arts administration

Music technology

Theatre technology



Interior Design


Costume & set design


Drama or Music therapy

Recommended A Levels/ BTEC:

A Levels required in art, music and English literature

CTEC in Performing Arts


Person getting ready to run on a sports track

Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Complete the Sports Leadership programme

Attend the trip to England Football Headquarters to take part in their Game Changer programme

Represent the school in ISA and other regional and national competitions

Complete sport scholarship tasks from the TC Scholars’ Handbook

Example careers:

Professional sports person

Sports medicine

Sports nutrition


Personal training

Sports psychology

Events management

Sports science


Sports Lawyer

Sports Management

Recommended A Levels:

Most courses require one or two sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) plus Physical Education, Psychology or Maths as the additional subjects

Business, Enterprise & Finance

Business, Enterprise & Finance

Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad

Participate in the Senior Mathematical Challenge

Attend the Maths Fest – A festival of maths for sixth formers which looks at how mathematicians use maths in the real world

Take part in the Investor Challenge (Wharton Business School)

Enter the ICAEW Base Accounting Competition

Take part in Young Enterprise

Participate in the Bank of England 2.0 challenge

Complete tasks from the TC Scholars’ Handbook

Example careers:

Accountancy & Audit


Financial analysis

Business development

Sales & retail

Banking & Investments

Marketing, PR & communications

Hospitality & leisure


Logistics & Distribution


International business


Recommended A Levels:

For most degrees there are no particular A Level requirements (although some universities ask for maths for business management and finance based courses).

Economics, business, English literature, psychology, languages, computer science and further maths may be useful as additional A Level choices. Art may be a good addition if you are interested in marketing/media.


Letters spelling STEM with stem related objects

It is recommended that pupils following this pathway complete a Gold CREST Award which is a nationally recognised STEM enrichment programme. Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research, contributing something new to a particular field of study. Students complete 70+ hours of project work, which is assessed externally by a trained CREST assessor.

At Gold level, students develop and lead the project, consider the broader impact of their project and demonstrate an innovative approach. Students write a project report and reflect on their work using a CREST student profile form.


Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Attend conservation field studies trips

Partake in the British Wildlife Photography Competition

Take part in the Royal Society of Biology Olympiad

Take part in in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad

Attend the Education in Action Lecture Series (Chemistry) at Warwick University

Take part in the Schools Analyst Competition

Take part in the Physics Olympiad

Chemistry & Physics lectures at Birmingham University

Science based work experience

Volunteering in the science department

Leading science club for Prep pupils

Example careers:


Environmental science

Theoretical physics


Forensic science




Recommended A Levels:

One or two sciences depending on the field of study.


Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Forge links with Amazon Future Engineers

Join the Coding and Robotics clubs

Take part in coding competitions

Attend additional virtual classes through Isaac Computer Science

Sign up to mentoring younger students in Computer Science/IT

Join the trip to Bletchley Park

Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad

Take part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge

Take part in the Physics Olympiad

Example careers:

Web Development

Software Development

Computer Systems Analysis

Computer Programming

Artificial Intelligence

IT Management

Robotics Science

Network Architecture

Recommended A Levels:

Computer Science with Physics and/ or Maths.

It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ


Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad

Take part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge

Take part in the Physics Olympiad

Take part in in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad

Attend the Education in Action Lecture Series (Chemistry) at Warwick University

Take part in the Schools Analyst Competition

Attend the Royal Geographical Society Lectures

Chemistry & Physics lectures at Birmingham University

Science based work experience

Volunteering in the science department

Example Careers:

Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Geospacial Engineering

Civil Engineering

Recommended A Levels:

Physics, maths, chemistry for some types of engineering, geography for geospatial, further maths for some courses.

It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ


Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:

Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad

Take part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge

Take part in the Physics Olympiad

Take part in in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad

Attend the Education in Action Lecture Series (Chemistry) at Warwick University

Take part in the Schools Analyst Competition

Attend the Royal Geographical Society Lectures

Chemistry & Physics lectures at Birmingham University

Science based work experience

Volunteering in the science department

Example Careers:

Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Geospatial Engineering

Civil Engineering

Recommended A Levels:

Physics, maths, chemistry for some types of engineering, geography for geospatial, further maths for some courses.

It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ

A Level Subjects

Tree with books and leaves
A Level Subjects

Discover the diverse range of A Level subject options at Tettenhall College Sixth Form.

Learn more about the A Level subjects by visiting the Academic page.


Tettenhall College School building

Write your future, one chapter at a time

Learn more about Tettenhall College Sixth Form – a vibrant, friendly and ambitious community where we develop the whole student in preparation for life beyond school.

Discover the exciting opportunities that await you by watching our brand-new Sixth Form video or downloading the latest prospectus today.