It is recommended that pupils following this pathway complete a Gold CREST Award which is a nationally recognised STEM enrichment programme. Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research, contributing something new to a particular field of study. Students complete 70+ hours of project work, which is assessed externally by a trained CREST assessor.
At Gold level, students develop and lead the project, consider the broader impact of their project and demonstrate an innovative approach. Students write a project report and reflect on their work using a CREST student profile form.
Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:
Attend conservation field studies trips
Partake in the British Wildlife Photography Competition
Take part in the Royal Society of Biology Olympiad
Take part in in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad
Attend the Education in Action Lecture Series (Chemistry) at Warwick University
Take part in the Schools Analyst Competition
Take part in the Physics Olympiad
Chemistry & Physics lectures at Birmingham University
Science based work experience
Volunteering in the science department
Leading science club for Prep pupils
Example careers:
Environmental science
Theoretical physics
Forensic science
Recommended A Levels:
One or two sciences depending on the field of study.
Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:
Forge links with Amazon Future Engineers
Join the Coding and Robotics clubs
Take part in coding competitions
Attend additional virtual classes through Isaac Computer Science
Sign up to mentoring younger students in Computer Science/IT
Join the trip to Bletchley Park
Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad
Take part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge
Take part in the Physics Olympiad
Example careers:
Web Development
Software Development
Computer Systems Analysis
Computer Programming
Artificial Intelligence
IT Management
Robotics Science
Network Architecture
Recommended A Levels:
Computer Science with Physics and/ or Maths.
It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ
Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:
Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad
Take part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge
Take part in the Physics Olympiad
Take part in in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad
Attend the Education in Action Lecture Series (Chemistry) at Warwick University
Take part in the Schools Analyst Competition
Attend the Royal Geographical Society Lectures
Chemistry & Physics lectures at Birmingham University
Science based work experience
Volunteering in the science department
Example Careers:
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Geospacial Engineering
Civil Engineering
Recommended A Levels:
Physics, maths, chemistry for some types of engineering, geography for geospatial, further maths for some courses.
It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ
Supplementary opportunities to enhance experience:
Take part in the Mathematical Olympiad
Take part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge
Take part in the Physics Olympiad
Take part in in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad
Attend the Education in Action Lecture Series (Chemistry) at Warwick University
Take part in the Schools Analyst Competition
Attend the Royal Geographical Society Lectures
Chemistry & Physics lectures at Birmingham University
Science based work experience
Volunteering in the science department
Example Careers:
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Geospatial Engineering
Civil Engineering
Recommended A Levels:
Physics, maths, chemistry for some types of engineering, geography for geospatial, further maths for some courses.
It is strongly recommended that pupils following this pathway take the EPQ