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Muddy Stilettos Review

We are thrilled with our latest review from Muddy Stilettos. Take a look at some of the fabulous things they had to say about Tettenhall College.

"There's a big focus on building confidence and relationships at Tettenhall which starts early on."
Best Schools Guide Roundel
Muddy Stilettos
"Pastoral care - very strong."
Best Schools Guide Roundel
Muddy Stilettos
"Students are relaxed and friendly, passionate about their studies and keen to show their work off."
Best Schools Guide Roundel
Muddy Stilettos
"Parents say the school helps their children be confident and independent, and pupils show a strong sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline."
Best Schools Guide Roundel
Muddy Stilettos
"Good for academically ambitious kids who would thrive in a family-atmosphere with a strong sense of community."
Best Schools Guide Roundel
Muddy Stilettos
Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Guide

Register now for the

Whole School Open Day 

Saturday 28th September 2024!

Arrival at 9.30am