The Preparatory Division at Tettenhall College has a very special role within our school community. Children thrive in a warm and motivating environment and their many broad talents, hopes and interests are recognised, nurtured and encouraged to blossom.
In the Pre-Prep years we strive to ensure that every child is equipped with the confidence, knowledge, ambition and self-awareness to develop a true love of learning and achieve all they can. This is at the heart of the Growing Roots phase of the Preparatory Pathway.
These foundation years are focused on ensuring the core skills of numeracy, literacy, problem solving and individual expression are developed and supported as far as possible.
This is both in readiness for the Upper Prep years and also in readiness for the transition to our Senior School. The academic programme is tailored to ensure that the curriculum delivered is both challenging and personalised.
Of course, great emphasis is also placed on the importance of kindness, respect, good manners and gratitude. Our children are encouraged to demonstrate these fundamental virtues every day and our reward system is designed to recognise these important traits, alongside academic success in line with our whole school values.
Our dedicated and experienced teachers aim to meet the needs of all with a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, with great value placed on the relationships they build with the children in their care. Classroom teachers, alongside subject specialists in the older years, foster a culture of confidence and independence where children are happy and ambitious.