Upper Prep: Years 3 – 6

As children take the step up into the Development Phase of the Pathway journey in years 3 and 4, the pace, challenge and scope of daily learning increases. Learning is now more independent and we raise our expectations around concentration and personal organisation. By this point we have a clear picture of a child’s current level and potential and the Development Phase is specifically designed to harness this potential effectively and continuously. Our curriculum also expands further at this point, with a second Modern Foreign Language now part of the weekly timetable. To allow each child to work towards reaching their own personal learning goals we:
  • Put in place extended goals for attainment and progression;
  • Continually review each child’s personal targets in Mathematics and English;
  • Develop confidence and competence with the recalling of key facts and the repetition of key skills;
  • Ensure the importance of handwriting and the presentation of work is mastered;
  • Continue to differentiate teaching to ensure each child has the most effective approach delivered for them;
  • Provide ongoing additional support from Teaching Assistants in the key areas of Mathematics and English;
  • Introduce more Senior School subject specialists in lessons such as Music, Performing Arts, Modern Foreign Languages and Art;
  • Introduce verbal and non-verbal reasoning within the curriculum;
  • Expect and support increased levels of personal organisation and responsibility for learning, including completing regular and targeted homework;
  • Work with each child to promote pace and accuracy in completing work to set timeframes and in more formal test conditions.
Of course, the Development Phase is, in essence, the precursor to the Senior Preparation Phase – a time when we both consolidate and then move forward the learning that has taken place to date, in preparation for all that is to come. The Senior Preparation Phase has at the heart of it an accelerated approach to tailored learning for each pupil, as we work with a child to build on all they have done. We are ambitious for every child at Tettenhall College Preparatory School and we are committed to ensuring our tailored approach, our tracking and monitoring, our stretch and challenge, all come together to deliver the strongest and most positive outcomes they can. The Senior Preparation Phase therefore:
  • Prioritises Mathematics and English with a structured approach to teaching more advanced and complex elements of these core subjects. The application of and strong use of grammar is a core aspect of the English programme whilst the Mathematics scheme now seeks to take on algebra, geometry and statistics;
  • Allows pupils to take on positions of responsibility within the School as Prefects and Captains. To act as a role model for younger pupils is key to developing maturity and a sense of self, all of which are needed when moving into a Senior School setting;
  • Includes regular formal and informal tracking and testing to inform the next steps of each teaching programme;
  • Ensures an increasing number of lessons are taken within our Senior School facilities, most especially Science and Modern Foreign Languages, ensuring pupils are familiar with moving to different rooms and teachers;
  • Looks towards applications for scholarships in the Senior School becoming more focused, with those seeking to secure such opportunities taking an active role within the Accelerated Pathway Programmes (A.P.P.)
  • Sport, music, Performing Arts and cultural studies remain key parts of the curriculum and timetable, allowing pupils to experience a full and dynamic range of subject areas, as they will do when they move up to Senior School.

Register now for the

Whole School Open Day 

Saturday 28th September 2024!

Arrival at 9.30am