ASPIRE Programme

We provide Oxbridge, G5 and international application guidance to support students to gain a place at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.

Whilst the majority of our students progress to excellent universities, most of which are part of the prestigious Russell Group, those who are Oxbridge and G5 applicants face fierce competition as they are competing against the best candidates worldwide. To gain a place at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, effective and thorough preparations are the key to a successful application.

Unlike other universities in the UK, G5 and Oxbridge admission processes go beyond a UCAS application. Additional entrance assessments and interviews mean applicants need as much support as possible to increase their chances of admission. Applications to excellent universities outside of the UK are also increasingly popular.

At Tettenhall College we are committed to ensuring that each student has the widest choice of future opportunities they can, and our Sixth Form team will work closely with each student to support this, bringing in specialist advice where needed.

Whilst all students at Tettenhall College will receive a full programme of university application support and guidance, for those who are considering an ‘Aspire’ application, support will include:

  • College selection
  • Editing personal statements
  • Help with securing the best references
  • Supra-curricular recommendations
  • Admissions test preparation with specialists
  • Mock interview practice

The Aspire Programme is an accelerated course which has six core areas of focus:

To be accepted as a member of the Aspire Programme, pupils will need to fulfil a strict application criteria, which will include:

  • Attitude, attendance and excellent academic attainment in their GCSE years
  • A CV and cover letter
  • An interview with the Head of Sixth Form
  • Feedback from subject leaders
  • Outstanding GCSE results or equivalent