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Tettenhall College delighted with GCSE results

Posted: 24th August 2023

GCSE results day 2023

Pupils, parents, and teachers have been celebrating excellent GCSE results today at Tettenhall College continuing with the success of the School’s A Level results last week.

As the sun was shining on the school, so were the smiles as envelopes were being opened. Highlights included Daniel B, who performed exceptionally well achieving six grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Geography, and Computer Science. He also gained two grade 8s in Spanish and History, a grade 7 in English Literature and a grade 6 in English Language.

International boarder Peter from Nigeria performed outstandingly with three grade 9s, three grade 8s, three grade 7s and one grade 6. Success followed for Katie P who achieved two grade 9s, one grade 8, three grade 7s and four grade 6s alongside Ellie J who secured one grade 9, two grade 8s, two grade 7s and three grade 6s.

Mr McAllister, the Headmaster of Tettenhall College, is proud of what pupils have achieved and said “It’s always a joy to celebrate the hard work, dedication and determination of our pupils when they achieve such great results. As pupils move to the next stage of their academic journey, I have no doubt they will continue to flourish and work just as hard to define their future.”

The school is extremely pleased with an excellent set of GCSE results. Pupils attained very good results with an almost 10% increase on the number of pupils gaining grade 5 and above, compared to 2019.  This increase was also mirrored in the 9 to 7 grades, demonstrating pupils’ commitment to academic excellence.

Particularly notable are the accomplishments in Higher Maths where over half of pupils gained grades 9 to 8 and there was a 100% pass rate.

Tettenhall College Sixth Form offers a broad range of subjects for A Levels from art & design to computer science, from music to psychology and more. For year 11 pupils who have received their GCSE results today, there’s still time to enquire about Sixth Form at Tettenhall College for September 2023. Contact the Admissions team on 01902 751 119 or email

Categories: Whole School