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The 2019 OT Lecture, by Danica Perrin

Posted: 4th October 2019

On an intimate and insightful evening, we were given the pleasure of listening to former TC business teacher of 36 years, Dr Andy Mottershead, at our annual OT lecture. The evening opened with drinks and conversation in the Towers Library, where past and present pupils, parents and guests reconnected and got to experience the newest part of School. After the drinks and mingling we moved into the theatre, where everyone settled in and prepared to listen to Dr Mottershead speak. Immediately captivating the audience with his humour and controversial nickname for the BBC, Dr Mottershead kept us constantly smiling and full of curiosity. You may want to know, what did we actually get from lecture? Simply put, lots.

Onto economics, where we learnt that the UK economy is performing better than we believe and are being told by the media. In answering some of the countries most asked questions, Dr Mottershead gave the audience a much greater understanding of the British Economy and Brexit. Furthermore, he relaxed our minds by reminding us that people thought that by now computers would have taken over the world. They haven’t.

– Danica Perrin, Y13

Categories: Alumni