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Another Set of Superb GCSE Results for Tettenhall College

Posted: 24th August 2018

gcse results 2018

Tettenhall College is delighted once again to announce tremendous results for its Year 11 pupils this summer. The hard work and dedication of pupils and staff has paid off at a time when the GCSE exam has undergone significant transformation.

Well over two-thirds of our pupils achieved 5 or more grades 9-4 including English and mathematics at Level 4 and above. Over 80% of pupils achieved grades 4 and above in English and 70 % achieved the same in mathematics with 85% of pupils achieving a grade 4 or higher in biology, chemistry and physics. 100% of pupils achieved these grades in art, biology, electronics, geography and music. In a non-selective school we are proud that a number of pupils have gained the highly prized Grade 9 including a pupil in Year 10 in Spanish. Well done to four pupils who achieved 5 or more grades at 9-7.

This new examination linear system has been designed to be tougher with outcomes based entirely on exams and the move to number grades instead of letters with a grade 4 equating to a C grade.