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Welly Walk Success!

Posted: 28th February 2018

February Half Term saw TC hold it’s inaugural Welly Walks, which took place every day between 10am and Midday.

The walks proved to be a huge success, with over 1000 people attending over the course of the week, despite some very cold weather! Visitors were given free rein of the grounds, with activities such as an i-spy to complete. Those who completed the i-spy and gave photo evidence of seeing Uncle Tom’s bath were given a Welly key ring. A colour-the-welly competition also took place throughout the week, with a winner to be announced in due course.

With many expressing their surprise at the size of our grounds upon return to the coffee shop and their want to return, plans for such future events will commence.

Thank you to everyone who came along, and a special thanks must go to the members of the PA who helped in the coffee shop and made the week a success.

Categories: EVENTS