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School Carol Concert

Posted: 12th December 2017

The evening of Wednesday 6th December saw the school carol concert at St. Michael and All Angels Church in Tettenhall. The event saw a wonderful night of Christmas celebrations with readings from staff and pupils alike. Among the beautiful renditions included In the Bleak Mid-Winter, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and Christmas Long Ago by the Preparatory School. Prefects and the Headteachers from both the senior and prep school gave readings from the bible between carols and the service was concluded with Christmas prayers from Revered Reeve and a blessing from Reverend Prebendary Dr. Wynne.

The evening finished with some festive refreshments back at the school coffee shop.

A lovely time was had by all and special mention must go to all those who performed.

Prefects after doing the church collection plates.

Categories: Music Whole School