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Results add up to success for Tettenhall College’s Maths department

Posted: 2nd July 2015

Tettenhall College’s pupils proved their mathematical credentials with an exceptional year for exam results.

The majority of pupils gained the top A* and A grades in Maths and Further Maths A Levels.

GCSE Maths pupils did the School proud, with a fantastic set of results. A group of Year 10 pupils and one Year 9 pupil also took their Maths GCSE a year early, with all achieving top A* and A grades.

The School, one of the region’s leading independent schools, is very proud of all its pupils.

Headmaster David Williams said: “They certainly have a bright future ahead of them.

Among the high achievers was Tom Darby, of Telford, who is going on to study Maths at St Anne’s College, Oxford, and Akash Bedi, of Penn, who gained an A* Maths GCSE at the age of 14.